Someone who cares about embryos (unborn humans) like I do wanted to compare notes with me on an amazing peer-reviewed journal entry: Also see Here are some of the bullet points I distilled it to:
ASCT (adult stem cell therapies):
Have proven to work very well
- Dramatic improvement for stroke victims
- Multiple sclerosis
- Spinal cord injuries
- Neurological problems
- And more.
- Dramatic improvement for stroke victims
- Are NOT morally controversial to anyone
- Have now actually had more research and testing behind them than ESCs
- Can be made from any part (any tissue) of a living adult
- Are not getting the attention they deserve.
- Had some bad press a long time ago but it was based on a misunderstanding. We understand better now. Science and medicine need to forget the old misunderstanding and get into the newest research which vindicates ASCT (and sets it as the gold standard)!
By contrast, ESCT (embryonic stem cell therapies):
- Has proven to not work so well in regeneration and repair
- Is morally controversial (and should be controversial to everyone)
- But for some unreasonable reason, ESCT is still getting most of the attention and demand
- Have a lot of bad side-effects (like cancer, heart problems, immune system problems). ESCs are very similar to cancer cells! They are genetically unstable.
- Should no longer be used.
Additional keywords: abortion, ethics, emerging technologies
Additional thoughts: stop murdering babies!