Speaking Engagements

Christopher enjoys speaking at Sunday schools, private schools, homeschool co-ops, and Christian apologetics conferences. If his schedule allows it, he would be honored to speak at your venue. Here below is a list of some of the topics he has begun to achieve fluency in. Please feel free to contact him to decide if he would be the right fit or to ask for references.

The Twelve Points that Show Christianity is True (link)[truth, theism, miracles, historical reliability of New Testament, claims of Jesus and proofs of claims, deity of Christ, inspiration of Bible…]

The Story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation (in a framework of the biblical covenants and classic dispensations)

The Life of Jesus of Nazareth

Bibliology (including Biblical Inspiration, Authority, Inerrancy)


Critique of Transhumanism and Post-humanism

The Ethics of Emerging Technologies (Biotech, Genetic Engineering, Robotech, Nanotech, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Computing, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Fintech, Crypto, etc.)

Critique of Science Fiction Films and Novels

Critique of Marxism, Neo-Marxism, and Secular Humanism

Theology Proper

History of Western Philosophical Thought

Eschatology / Bible Prophecy

Metaphysics (especially of the Aristotle-Aquinas tradition)

The Mind-Body problem of Philosophy (from a Thomistic perspective)

Intelligent Design with Micro-Evolution versus Natural Selection and Macro-Evolution

The Problem of Evil and Suffering