This is a response to “Did God punish us with the coronavirus pandemic? Was the vaccine a divine miracle?,” an editorial by Rabbi Ralph Mecklenburger, published on December 29th, 2020, in the Fort Worth Star Telegram. This editorial was based on Mecklenburger’s book Why Call It God: Theology for the Age of Science (Wipf&Stock, 2020).… Continue reading A Response to Rabbi Mecklenburger on Reducing God to Answer the Problem of Natural Evil
Category: Book Review
What the hell, Bart?
A Cursory Response to Bart Ehrman’s Audacious Claims about Heaven and Hell The short version of what Bart is saying is simply this: Neither Jesus, nor the Hebrew Bible he interpreted, endorsed the view that departed souls go to paradise or everlasting pain. Even though Bart Ehrman is capable of some impressive scholarship, let’s… Continue reading What the hell, Bart?