On October 15th, 2020, I presented an hour-long talk on Transhumanism, Posthumanism, and Technocracy at the National Conference on Christian Apologetics. To download a .PDF version of the document that accompanies and augments the presentation, please click here. More at http://cthaun.tech/transhumanism
This video is a recording of a presentation of the first and last parts of a 22-page paper by Christopher T. Haun titled And the Word was God: An Examination of Pantheistic, Panentheistic, and Theistic interpretations of Logos and Theos in the Prologue of John’s Gospel. This paper was presented at 2023 meeting of the International Society of Christian Apologetics in Charlotte, NC, USA on March 31st, 2023. John 1:1-18 offers one of the strongest arguments for the deity of Jesus Christ in the context of classical theism and orthodox trinitarianism. However, John’s concepts of Logos (the Word) may be misunderstood by both sincere lay readers of English Bible translations and by scholars who superimpose pagan Greek usages of logos upon John’s Logos. John’s Logos may also be unnaturally reinterpreted to fit the emanational pantheism worldview of Neoplatonism. Did John borrow the term Logos from pagan Greek philosophers, Hellenized Jewish thinkers like Philo, or the Davar/Memra tradition of Hebraic Jewish writers? Or was he imbuing Logos with a new and original meaning? This paper examines the problem of pantheistic/panentheistic/neoplatonic interpretations of Logos and Theos while defending the theistic interpretation. The paper may be downloaded from http://cthaun.tech/papers or http://academia.edu
This 30-page research paper (full title: Armed Revolution as Apologetic? Reexamining the Upper Limits of Resistance by the Church to the State with a Focus on the Disagreement Between Francis Schaeffer and Norman Geisler) was presented in two separate 45-minute talks at “Apologetics in a Brave New World,” the 2023 meeting of the International Society of Christian Apologetics. The paper may be downloaded from http://cthaun.tech/resist. Comments here and through http://cthaun.tech/contact are welcomed.
What in the World is God Doing? Telling the story of what God is doing in the world mainly with a framework of the biblical covenants and dispensations. This was an attempt to weave a philosophy of history and a theodicy. It also attempts to advocate for power of story-telling. Five 45-minute sessions delivered at a church in north Texas. More at https://cthaun.tech/storytelling/
Exploring the limits of biological evolution, the theory of macro-evolution through the mechanism of natural selection, and the case for an intelligent designer and some micro-evolution. Two 45-minute sessions delivered to teens and pre-teens at a Christian homeschool co-op in Texas. Link.
Biblical Inerrancy, Hermeneutics, Apostacy, and Apologetics
Portions of a research paper written for a seminary class and presented at the 2015 meeting of the International Society of Christian Apologetics
Inerrancy, Shipwreck, Hermeneutic, and Zombies (Part 1 of 4)
Inerrancy, Shipwreck, Hermeneutic, and Zombies (Part 2 of 4) | Realism and Inerrancy
As for parts 3 and 4, they were written down but so far never presented and recorded. There just wasn’t enough interest shown to make me think it worth going through with. Part 3: Inerrancy, Shipwreck, Hermeneutic, and Zombies (Part 3 of 4) | Biblical Hermeneutics versus Biblical Inerrancy. Part 4: Inerrancy, Shipwreck, Hermeneutic, and Zombies (Part 4 of 4) | Using the “zombies” of Matthew 27 as a case study for locating the source of light for “hard sayings” in Old-Testament passages (“Scripture interpreting Scripture”) and the traditions of Second-Temple Judaism rather than in Greco-Roman bioi genre.